@article{oai:gunma-u.repo.nii.ac.jp:00001086, author = {堀, 正}, journal = {群馬大学社会情報学部研究論集}, month = {Mar}, note = {application/pdf, Departmental Bulletin Paper, Coaching psychology has only a short history, although coaching has a long history. This\npaper shows how coaching appeared and developed into coaching psychology. Grant and Palmer\n(2002) define that coaching psychology is for enhancing well-being and performance in personal\nlife and work domains underpinned by models of coaching grounded in established adult learning\nor psychological approaches. Many psychological theories have helped coaching psychology to\nbe an academic research field. The study of the psychology of coaching goes back to psychological\nobservations about football and basketball. In the present day, however, coaching psychology\nhas a wide range of applications in everyday life and industrial organizations far beyond the\ncoach-athlete relationship.}, pages = {1--12}, title = {コーチング心理学の展望}, volume = {16}, year = {2009} }