@article{oai:gunma-u.repo.nii.ac.jp:00001207, author = {ITO, Kenichi and 伊藤, 賢一}, journal = {群馬大学社会情報学部研究論集}, month = {Mar}, note = {Departmental Bulletin Paper, Although addiction to the Internet has been one of the serious social problems, surveys targeting high schoolstudents are neither qualitative nor quantitative enough. We conducted a web survey of 500 high school students and examined their status of the Internet addiction. As a result, were diagnosed with high risk user group,39.8% with potential risk user group, and 34.0% with general user. It has also been discovered that heavy users of the game s seem to have some significant risk of falling into the addiction.}, pages = {17--30}, title = {高校生におけるネット依存とゲームのヘビーユーザーの実態 ― オンライン調査に基づいてー}, volume = {27}, year = {2020} }