@article{oai:gunma-u.repo.nii.ac.jp:00003138, author = {田部井, 勝稲 and 白井, 紘行 and 及川, 信朗 and 高草木, 文雄}, issue = {494}, journal = {日本機械学會論文集. B編}, month = {Oct}, note = {application/pdf, Journal Article, The atmospheric Ar plasma freejets, generated by an electric arc discharge, are visualized and measured by the Moire-Schlieren method to obtain the details of their high temperature fields. Electron temperatures and electron number densities are also deduced from a combined method of the absolute intensity measurements of Ar spectral lines and the collisional-radiative process theory. From the experiments performed under the conditions of arc currents of 100-200 A and nozzle diameters of 3-4 mm, the following are found : (i) The gas temperatures are 1000-5000 K and the electron temperatures are about 8500 K. (ii) The distributions of gas temperature for the conditions show a similar form. (iii) The freejets are thermally in nonequilibrium, though the plasmas are fairly dense.}, pages = {3052--3058}, title = {モアレシュリーレン法と分光法を用いた大気圧Arプラズマジエットの温度場の測定}, volume = {53}, year = {1987} }