@article{oai:gunma-u.repo.nii.ac.jp:00003167, author = {小田, 哲也 and 廣安, 博之 and 新井, 雅隆 and 西田, 恵哉}, issue = {522}, journal = {日本機械学會論文集. B編}, month = {Aug}, note = {application/pdf, Journal Article, To elucidate the atomization process of a liquid jet across a high-speed airstream, the spatial distribution of liquid, drop diameter and drop trajectory were calculated. In this model, a liquid column is not incorporated. Drops ejected from the injector have the same velocity V_l but different drop diameters, which are defined by the volume distribution of drop size. The ejected drop is broken up by the airstream. Calculated spatial distribution of liquid agrees well with measured spatial distribution of liquid. The trend of the calculated drop diameters agreed well with the trend of the measured Sauter mean diameter. The drop diameter decreases rapidly, near the injector especially along the outer line of the spray.}, pages = {2602--2606}, title = {高速気流中における液体噴流の微粒化特性 : 第2報, 噴射液体の局所質量流量, 液滴径の変化と軌跡の計算}, volume = {58}, year = {1992} }