@article{oai:gunma-u.repo.nii.ac.jp:00003295, author = {佐々木, 徹 and 天野, 俊輔 and 渡辺, 哲也 and 古畑, 朋彦 and 新井, 雅隆}, issue = {740}, journal = {日本機械学會論文集. B編}, month = {May}, note = {application/pdf, Journal Article, A low NO_x combustor for kerosene-fueled micro gas turbine based on a new concept was proposed. The combustor consisted of primary and secondary combustion zones, and they were connected by a throat. A swirler was set between the primary and secondary combustion zones. In order to enhance recirculation of burned gas in the primary combustion zone, combustion air was introduced through the swirler and forced to flow upward to the combustor bottom. In this study, fundamental combustion characteristics such as lean combustion limit, exhaust gas composition and combustion gas temperature were measured using three fuel atomizers which rated flow rates were 3.0 gallon/h, 4.5 gallon/h and 6.0 gallon/h respectively. It was shown that the combustion stability and emission characteristics in the case of 3.0 gallon/h nozzle were superior to those in other cases. Further, gas velocity in the primary combustion zone was measured by Leaser Doppler Anemometer (LDA) and behavior of the recirculation of burned gas was investigated}, pages = {957--964}, title = {遡上スワールにより形成された循環流領域を持つマイクロガスタービン燃焼器の開発 : 第2報,燃料微粒化特性の燃焼特性に及ぼす影響と一次燃焼領域内の流動計測(熱工学,内燃機関,動力など)}, volume = {74}, year = {2008} }