@article{oai:gunma-u.repo.nii.ac.jp:00003466, author = {小島, 宏行 and 羽廣, 憲一}, issue = {682}, journal = {日本機械学會論文集. C編}, month = {Jun}, note = {application/pdf, Journal Article, In this paper, the residual vibration reduction method of a crane using the optimal trajectory planning is proposed, and the usefulness of the present residual vibration reduction method is confirmed both numerically and experimentally. In the optimal trajectory planning, the velocity profile of the trolley is expressed with two fifth-order polynomials, and it is depicted by two parameters obtained by applying some conditions to the fifth-order polynomials. Then, the traiectory is expressed as a function of the chromosome using the two parameters as the genes of the genetic algorithm, and the optimal trajectory of the trolley is obtained by defining the fitness function for the residual vibrations of the load. Furthermore, the numerical calculations been carried out, and it is confirmed that the residual vibrations can be extremely reduced, and the experimental results agree well with the calculation results.}, pages = {1479--1485}, title = {遺伝的アルゴリズムを用いた直進形クレーンの最適軌道計画と残留振動抑制制御の実験}, volume = {69}, year = {2003} }