@article{oai:gunma-u.repo.nii.ac.jp:00008034, author = {Mikuni, Masahiko and 三國, 雅彦}, issue = {2}, journal = {The Kitakanto medical journal = 北関東医学}, month = {May}, note = {Journal Article, 客観的な診断バイオマーカーがなく, 問診だけで診断している精神科医療における喫緊の課題は各精神疾患の診断バイオマーカーを獲得することである. しかし, 世界中でたくさんの研究者が遺伝子解析やMRI などの画像を用いた臨床マーカーの研究に凌ぎを削っているが, 他の研究者によって再確認されることがほとんどなく, 臨床的に有用な知見は得られていない.この小論ではがんのバイオマーカー研究で始まり, 精神疾患のバイオマーカーの研究に従事し, 技術革新を目指してきた, 小生の研究の旅路を紹介する. 近赤外線スペクトロスコピーが種々の精神疾患のうつ症状の補助的診断法として厚生省から先進医療に承認されたことは大きな一歩であったが, 精神疾患患者の治療に本質的にかかわる分子マーカーの探索が必須である.(Kitakanto Med J 2014;64:117~124), A central problem in clinical psychiatry is that in the absence of objective diagnostic biomarkers for mental disorders, psychiatrists depend on subjective examinations in order to properly diagnose their patients. Many researchers have studied genetics and investigated objective tools such as magnetic resonance imaging for use as diagnostic markers to aid subjective examinations. None of these findings, however, have been replicated consistently enough to merit widespread clinical use. In this article, I would like to describe briefly the trajectory of my life’s work from cancer research to biomarker research for mental disorders, seeking for developing technical innovation in the practice of medical psychiatry. It was the excellent advance in psychiatric practice that a Near Infrared Spectroscopy(NIRS)technique has been exclusively approved by the Ministry of Health,Labour and Welfare as one of dozens of the Advanced Medical Technology to assist in the differential diagnoses of depressive states. However, a search for more essential biomarkers should be continued, to offer better care to people with mental-health problems.(Kitakanto Med J 2014;64:117~124)}, pages = {117--124}, title = {精神疾患の客観的診断バイオマーカーの探索 -山の向こうに山あり,山また山-}, volume = {64}, year = {2014} }