@article{oai:gunma-u.repo.nii.ac.jp:00000875, author = {南谷, 覺正}, journal = {群馬大学社会情報学部研究論集}, month = {Jul}, note = {application/pdf, Departmental Bulletin Paper, After the Race, the fifth story in James Joyce's Dubliners, although one of the less successful pieces in the novelist's view, does disclose some of his literary hallmarks. This essay is an attempt to clarify to a degree what the author intended to imply, in terms of nationalism, capitalism, the machine age then encroaching on Ireland, the protagonist's motives and subconsciousness, as well as the father-son relationship.}, pages = {265--283}, title = {ジェイムズ・ジョイスの「レースの後で」}, volume = {4}, year = {1997} }